About RC101
Reality In Perspective
Throughout history God has populated His kingdom with the very poor and the very rich. He has moved social and political mountains with the less educated and with the world’s elite. His prophets, apostles and saints of all stripes have walked in ease and in abject hardship. The Lord Himself was, by earthly standards, nothing more than a poor itinerate rabbi with no place to call “His” on earth. God’s first call on all these people throughout all of their circumstances was not personal relief FIRST, but to Love and trust Him unreservedly and to live righteously and justly.
Because righteousness and justice can only survive in a free society through civil participation, keeping quiet is a conservative’s worst option. Assertive conservatism must creatively, unapologetically and wisely advocate and apply its principles in all phases of private and public life. The heart of conservatism is not fear of change but change initiated when necessary and based on the tried and true.
This site is an attempt to help provide perspective and resources for mining the depths of what is true as opposed to what may be culturally popular, politically attractive or legally expedient. Reality is so much more that what is heard and seen. It is time to engage critical issues of our day – to dig beneath surface claims and expectations. Once reality is privately discovered, it is time to publicly expose it and defend it.