Bible Study – Process
There are two possible methods or perspectives for Bible study: Proceed Inductively, from small to large (phrase—verse—paragraph—chapter—book—Testament—Biblical usage) or proceed Deductively, from large to small (topic—concordance—elimination of irrelevant—passages—facts). What follows is inductive study only.
** Interpret unclear passages with clear ones. **You are seeking to find the NATURAL and ORIGINAL meaning first, AFTER THAT, you are applying the message to life. **Two books that are particularly well done: “Living by the Book” by Howard & William Hendricks “How to Study Your Bible” by Kay Arthur ——————————————————————————————- The Process Observation: (Overview): What does it say? 1. Read & re-read 2. Look for the obvious – emphases, repetitions, relationships, likenesses, differences, general context 3. Notice – Key words, phrases, language techniques 4. W’s & H – who, what, when, where, why, how Interpretation (textual “meat”): What does it mean? ( Now you know what the message of the words are. ) Use tools: FIRST: Other versions, Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, character biographies NOTE: No Commentaries yet !! Synthesis: Helps: Make Outlines Make Time lines Make flow charts – boxes & trees Last: Use Bible Commentaries Application (real life): How does it work? or What does God have in this for me? Steps – 1. Know the text: Observation & Interpretation 2. Take inventory: Of yourself & of experiences 3. Meditate: Ponder the Truth 4. Practice Questions to ask – Promise to claim? Challenge to face? Prayer to repeat? Principle (truth) to embrace (live by)? Condition to meet? Changes to make? Command to obey? Verse to memorize? **************************************************************************** The Golden Rule of Interpretation: When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense. ***************************************************************************** Some Personalizing Dynamics Get right with God first. 2 Cor 4:2. Renounce even the hidden things – Vertical: put off old things – put on new things Submit to others’ consciences – Horizontal: Stay consistent & persistent Stay the course Treasure truth and meditate on it Do it diligently: treat your faith as vocation vs vacation Make sure it is personal When was the last time your heart had a holy fire? Let it purify you Exegesis “Cheat Sheet” Intro: This is the nuts & bolts part of interpretation. This is where we find out what the words themselves really mean. Definition: Critical analysis in order to determine meaning of the words and sentences. Classic Principles: Natural Sense – the genuine “literal” interpretive method 1. Be accurate. Begin by getting as close to the original as possible. a. Find the most literal meaning of the word (s). b. Find the meaning using original author’s understandings. Example: Jn 10:9 — “I am the door” 2. Interpret words in a normal, natural, proper way. Locate: subject word(s) action word(s) Follow: connecting words(s) Recognize: Language Techniques: Figures of Speech: metaphor, exaggeration, personification, irony, Literary Forms: parable, allegory, types, symbols, prose, poetry, Compositional Forms: introductions, comparisons, contrasts, repetitions, progressions, pivot points, cause/effect, interrogations, climaxes, summaries. Natural grammer: The original grammar & syntax must be understood, even as it is reflected in the English translation. Use closest word-for-word translation. Example: 1Jn1:10 5:18 “sins” present tense Original Sense Historical – Interpret in the light of the original historical setting [Political & Shaping Events] Cultural – Interpret in the light of the original cultural setting [Customs & Values] Example: Lk10:1-4 no shoes & no greetings The Golden Rule of Interpretation: When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense.