0405 Defining Michigan’s Values
Michigan’s Democratic leadership has declared its value system. Back in March, Governor Granholm chided the state legislature for wasting their time on “divisive social issues” instead of concentrating on the economy. In an April 5th Sentinel article, House Minority Leader Dianne Byrum is noted as believing that certain measures have taken time away from “more important matters.” Her preferred focus is “…issues dealing with jobs and the economy…” Apparently we are dealing with consummate politicians at a time in our state when votes are garnered through pocketbook appeals and moral imperatives are less than politically popular.
The governor and minority leader were referring to such pesky problems as partial-birth infanticide, government thievery of parents’ rights over their own pregnant children and the homosexual drive to remake marriage. It is naïve, indeed a fantasy, to believe that these issues can simply be ignored, let alone surrendered, by a growing population of activist conservatives. To a solid majority of Americans, emancipating young girls from their parents long enough for them to secretly take unborn life is shear ideological tyranny against families; killing mostly-born infants is barbaric and homosexual quasi-marriage is a slander toward humanity’s most foundational institution as it has been defined throughout the entire history of the world.
There are other social issues that desperately need attention as well. Last week it was revealed that Michigan’s system for protecting children and aiding families in crisis has failed to meet any of seven federal standards. In many Michigan counties, child abuse rates are deplorable and family abuse by the various social service agencies happens far more than anyone suspects. Yes, case managers and agents are overloaded, but they also function under minimal standardized guidelines and are only marginally accountable to the public for their actions. In far too many cases workers handle clients abrasively and initiate life-altering decrees based on personal philosophies and biases. For those who are treated as guilty until proven innocent, F.I.A. means Family Intrusion Agency instead of Family Independence Agency and F.O.C. acts more like Friend of the Culprit than Friend of the Court. A fantastic economy is worth zero in a self-destructive society of disintegrating families whose demise is being egged on by a malfunctioning social support system.
These represent only the tip of the iceberg but they serve to illustrate the bankruptcy of a political mindset that would lead a government to criticize its own membership for being too socially concerned. There are a couple of plausible explanations, neither one of which is particularly attractive. Of course, political expediency comes to mind. It seems to be a sad fact of voter predisposition that money talks. People will get riled about a lot of issues, but anything that relates to the economy has miraculous mass appeal and staying power. Hopefully this does not represent Democratic leadership’s inner motivations, but if it does,Michiganis playing host to a wholly self-serving political structure and will suffer the consequences.
It is possible that the governor and minority leader sincerely believe what they say. Sincerity is more virtuous than insincerity. But if that is the case, the question must be asked, “Is sincerely placing the economy above fundamental moral imperatives – such as exercising social justice, preserving marriage and protecting living children from surgical execution – a proper ethic for the captains ofMichigan’s future?” As uncomfortable as it is for many of us, it is sometimes necessary to stand – even vote – for the most basic moral absolutes that determine a people’s character, rather than trying to keep one’s balance on the shifting sands of supposed financial security.
Defining one’s leadership and publicly evaluating the legislature out of political/economic pragmatism or misplaced values is completely inappropriate leadership. One of Christ’s fundamental statements about security and quality of life appears in the Gospel of Matthew. He commanded, “Seek first His (God’s) kingdom and His righteousness and all these things (necessary for living on Earth) shall be added to you.” Is God still big enough? Maybe it is time Michiganians began reevaluating their own value systems and began using proper ones in proactive citizenship.