0508 Squabbling Nationalities
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.” There is much more to national self-preservation than combating terrorism. With the defeat of Amendment # 1124, a U.S. Senate bill which would have funded one thousand border patrol agents, it would seem that Democrats and twelve Republican just don’t get it.
One of the more silent threats to America is an increasing influx of illegal foreign nationals. By some estimates, on any given day, this country is assaulted at its northern and southern borders by, conservatively speaking, over two thousand illegal aliens. There are anywhere from eight to thirteen million illegals now permanently residing in this country, many with the encouragement and assistance of their countries of origin.
The continuing complacency of our government in spite of the rule of law and in opposition to “the consent of the governed” is a far more significant threat than the assault on our infrastructure. While millions of honorable law-abiding foreign nationals do the right thing by learning English to proficiency, learning U.S. History and principles of government, enduring investigation of their moral character and attitude toward the America, submitting to health screens and eventually pledging loyalty to their new nation, including an attachment to the principles of our Constitution, illegals reap almost identical social benefits. What is the cost? Estimates run as high as thirty billion dollars a year in health care, education, law enforcement and other support services. As much as thirty five billion dollars are lost every year in tax revenue.
Unbelievably, in the midst of the invasion, dozens of cities have begun instituting insane “Special Order 40”- style safe haven policies derived from an order issued in 1979 by L.A. Police Chief Daryl Gates. In clear violation of federal law (INS USC 8, 1325:275-277), these policies prohibit police officers from arresting illegal aliens for their crime. Over the years, with such a brightly lit street of gold, illegal populations have skyrocketed. The consequence of their willfully snubbing the law is a growing attitude of defeatism among both liberals and conservatives. Once again, just as in 1986, the white flag of surrender in the form of amnesty or “guest worker” programs is being unfurled and once again just as in the years following the 1986 boondoggle, we can expect to witness the same unprecedented surge in the alien flood.
What seems to elude the moral sensitivities of a growing number of politicians and other Americans is that civil order in a free society, indeed its survival, involves a mutual relationship between the rule of law and the citizenry under its care. The necessity for such mutuality is really not hard to understand, except by self-serving agriculturalists, business interests and politicians. Given a choice between accomplishing a goal through more difficult legal means or easier illegal means, a huge segment of humanity will choose the path of least resistance. Once that segment makes the choice to sacrifice integrity for the sake of the goal, there becomes less and less reason to quibble about other bothersome legalities in the future. There is no inherent reason for those individuals to invest in anything but their own gain or anyone else except themselves, especially as long as governments, from municipalities to the U.S. Senate, are complicit in their activities.
As national apathy toward our own standards of law grows and the natural process of internal disintegration festers, international vultures have begun to take notice. Mexico perfectly demonstrated the dangers of America’s move toward becoming a “tangle of squabbling nationalities” when she exposed her true colonial intentions by threatening action against the state of Arizona over its crackdown of illegals through Prop. 200. She has even threatened private American citizens involved with Operation Minuteman.
Some have claimed of late that genuine enforcement of immigration laws would be disastrous. That sentiment is the true seed of our self-destruction. It lulls the people of the greatest nation on earth into legal and moral spinelessness; it helps them forget a proud heritage of melting-pot resilience, ingenuity and courage. It publishes to the world that we no longer cherish who we uniquely are or have the will to preserve ourselves.