0605 Disaster That Didn’t Come
Does anyone 50 years of age or older remember the “New Ice Age?” No one is able to — it didn’t happen.
Yet, between the early 1940’s and early 1970s, the world was in a continual cooling period and environmentalist disastermongers managed through junk science and the media to portray a “consensus.” They convinced the public that it was time to attack the culprits; vehicular and industrial pollutants. The latent message was that if it weren’t for Earth-wrecking techno-progressive human beings, victimized “Mother Earth” would be a fine place to live.
Since the 1970s, instead of an ice age, the Earth has been in a recovery mode. Now, as during the ice age years, the villains are still humans. But now, through exactly the same evil instruments as before, they have managed to drive the natural order in the opposite direction, meltdown. In fact, some of the same scientists that cried frozen wolf before are crying baked wolf now.
One of the reasons that global warming has become the issue it has is because of environmentalism’s growing savvy in manipulating factual reality and its progressively sophisticated methods. Its political machine is well-designed and well-funded. Its propaganda machine is amazingly effective. Underneath the public image however is a core of humanity-degrading socialist philosophy overlaid with a veneer of shallow science. Doubters need only check out the loudest global disaster “scientists” and their associations or study the text of the famed Kyoto Agreement. It is the same old nature versus man, poor versus rich, “the people” versus decadent government.
Marxist philosophy aside, there exists an equally important problem. Genuine science does not support the recent nightmarish global warming predictions, no matter how passionate, authoritative or well-meaning the claims of scientific consensus may be. Reputable science does not validate itself by vote or by forming a consensus. If it did, we would still believe in a flat Earth at the center of the universe.
In climatology’s short history as a formal discipline, computer climate models have emerged as primary tools, though even twenty-four hour forecasting models are only accurate to within three degrees half of the time. Good science thrives on verifiable repeatable facts, but climate models, from which recent dire warnings all originate, offer precious little of that. For one thing climate models all project into the future within the framework of today’s technology; a work of sheer fantasy.
Fact is not generated from computerized speculation programmed from a biased, sadly rudimentary understanding of climate processes. None of the present models are able to account for all the physics involved in atmospheric gases, not to mention solar cycles and variances, sun spots, ocean hydrology, cloud cover, Earth orbit and axis changes and much more. In addition, there are glaring inconsistencies between land-based temperature readings and those from satellites. In fact, no model has ever been scientifically validated; more fantasy. At this point, the best computers in the world cannot handle all the variables scientists have a tentative grasp on, let alone all they don’t understand or haven’t discovered.
Is the Earth warming? Yes. But the truth is that no one except philosophically driven, catastrophe-oriented advocates claim to definitively know why. In a world that cannot exist without the greenhouse effect and with an atmosphere composed of one tenth of one percent total greenhouse gases (not including the far more potent and constantly changing water component) and less than four one-hundredths of 1 percent carbon dioxide, multitudes of other forces define climate — most of which we still aren’t even beginning to understand.
For conservative evangelical Christians there is a larger danger — misplacing their faith in favor of shallow science. Mother Nature does not exist, but our Creator Lord does. Biblically speaking, the Earth is not a self-regulating, self-sustaining wimp ready to topple from the insults of man. Man’s God-endowed right to use and manipulate the environment will not shatter creation. The end has already been determined and it does not arise from the by-products of technological/industrial progress or from the mufflers of soccer moms. We are to be vigilant stewards of our resources, but being responsible does not justify alarmist, potentially crippling public policies whose origins are derived from computerized doomsday fear.