0609 Marriage Boundries
There is no human being on planet Earth that lives without fences. There is no existing or past society that functions or has functioned without walls. Nations do not survive without borders. Humanity has depended on definitions and limits since our first parents received their responsibilities in the Garden of Eden and faced the moral moat surrounding the forbidden tree. Limitations are not always pleasant but they are absolutely unavoidable and necessary. To believe otherwise is a commitment to fantasy.
In every age and with every civilization there have always been those who attempt to live the fantasy. The most recent examples of this have been the July declaration by LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual) leadership entitled “Beyond Same-Sex Marriage” and the June U.S. Senate marriage protection failure.
“Beyond” is enlightening for several reasons. For one thing, the authors honestly expose the ultimate agenda of the movement. Their intensions are recognition and legalization of ALL relationships, government benefits for everyone regardless of citizenship status (not to mention “conjugal status”) and separation of religion in all matters. As Scandinavian countries demonstrate with their falling homosexual ‘marriage’ rates, rising rates of various kinds of cohabitation and soaring out-of-wedlock birth rates, it’s not really about marriage at all, but about boundaries. More precisely, it is about abolishing boundaries of every kind.
“Beyond” is also a revelation of future LGBT tactics. In order to gain public sympathy, they will expand diversity definitions by hijacking other households into their cause such as blended families, single-parent households, live-in grandparents and others. These homes will be portrayed as suffering oppression along side LGBT’s – even though most people in these households would want nothing to do with homosexual immoralities.
The “Beyond” strategy will also include diversion. Right-wingers will be blamed for every conceivable social ill such as poverty and discrimination against the disabled, battered women and prisoners. Other listed crimes include tax cuts, prison construction, policing, militarism and retirement privatization.
Why this public declaration of war and why now? Pressure is building on the movement in the face of recent significant court losses and legislative failures. As of this writing, twenty states have established powerful boundaries with constitutional amendments protecting traditional marriage and twenty-six more have passed marriage protection laws
“Beyond” demonstrates that if the left has its way, the attacks on sacred marriage will continue but be conducted on a different level. The walls will be breached in the name of perverted parental rights, adoption rights, inheritance rights and healthcare benefits. The mainline media will continue to ignore or misrepresent the devastating realities being played out in same-sex marriage countries.
It is not unusual for groups with radical agendas to be hemmed in by their cause to the point of ignoring or not caring about the broader consequences, but there is no excuse for ourU.S.senators to have such an ailment. Beyond the most basic responsibility to carry out their oaths of office as representatives of their respective states (which at least thirty-eight of them did not do with their votes against the federal marriage amendment), they are supposedly to be the most informed and able of our nation.
Instead of a loyal 90-10 vote, these leaders bowed to the politics of three percent of their constituency (LGBT’s) and worse, ignored the dire consequences of supporting the demands and lifestyle of the “Beyond” crowd. Stephen Baskerville of the HowardCenter has pinpointed the destructive results. He demonstrates that same-sex ‘marriage’ tries to make gender interchangeable where differences demand, especially as it relates to children, that biology (motherhood) be in agreement with social necessity (fatherhood). In relation to government, because same-sex ‘marriage’ has no ability to self-perpetuate except by taking other people’s children in one form or another, marriage looses its independence. It eventually will exist simply as a badge of citizenship – a state contract given to the most influential bidder with children as the commodity.
Heterosexuals are not innocent in this matter. Sadly, over the last few generations, we have opened the gates to the demise of sacred marriage by cheapening it ourselves through cohabitation, promiscuity, trial “marriages”, no-fault divorce and more. The first shots against marriage were ours, but that does not excuse more destruction. Simply because something has always existed (homosexual relations) does not legitimize them or their consequences. The same logic would excuse thieves, child molesters and tyrants.