1001 Copenhagen and Beyond
The change continues. During the 2008 elections everything seemed ripe for change. President Bush and the Republican party were blamed for every evil under the sun; tagged as deceptive, power-mongering elitists.
The cure for our national ills was obvious – change. The defining question at the time should have been “What kind of change?” Instead, the most accepted message was the one which focused on claims over substance. The winning mantra was “change, lots of it, loudly delivered, details later”.
In a single year’s time, the changes pushed onAmerica have been voluminous, relentless, ferocious and purposely so.
A constant diet of crises should be no surprise to anyone; not because crises should be inevitable, but because Vice President Biden let the cat out of the bag during the campaign with his “Obama will be tested” revelation. So far, that self-fulfilling prophecy could serve as a model of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven’s formula for forced change as published in May of 1966 in Nation magazine). Rahm Emanuel was applying the formula with his now famous “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”.
Health care reform has been the latest in a series of legitimate problems gone malignant on illegitimate political steroids. At this point, the process has had little to do with the content of the thousands of pages of legislation. Instead, the level of Chicago-style political bribery, extortion and over-all corruption has been breath-taking and unprecedented.
But we are not done yet. Last month’s Copenhagen climate change conference was the official world premier of our next we’ve-reached-the-tipping-point, to-big-to-fail, helpless-millions-need-father-government, disaster-is-immanent, and central-planning-trumps-liberty catastrophe. To the shame of theUnited States, only Communist China was willing to defend her sovereignty and denounce green imperialism.
The amount of power and money at stake for world climate initiatives players makes the destruction of our private health care system pale in comparison. The need to dodge, yet again, constitutional government through manipulation is exponentially greater.
If that sounds over-blown, consider recent developments. A single 61-megabyte file of climate data, computer code and emails exposed some of the most influential scientists and their claims as shamelessly corrupt. A study by the Institute of Economic Analysis has exposed what its president calls “cherry-picked Russian climate data” by the Hadley center and the Climate Research Unit (of Climategate fame).
These developments, along with the continued consensus-breaking defections of thousand of scientists and the massive European carbon-trading fraud industry, made no difference at Copenhagen. The façade of fact never skipped a beat.
It is no better here at home. Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) has ordered an investigation into possible EPA suppression of contradictory climate evidence, even as that same agency was awarded expanded regulatory power by the Supreme Court and declared carbon dioxide a public health risk. On December 14th, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) began a process to block EPA greenhouse emissions control, realizing that the authority of Congress is being threatened.
But minimizing legislative government seems to be the whole point. In order to ratify a treaty, the Senate needs 66 votes. For a president who recently complained in a PBS interview that “Other countries are going to start running circles around us,” there are more efficient, less toilsome methods. Executive agreements only need a signature and congressional-executive agreements pass on a simple majority vote.
The broader program for this administration has been and will remain the same. Through the use of crisis, in spite of the American people or their Constitution, society is to be re-engineered and the other guy’s money re-distributed in the image of a liberal utopian image.