1402 Agema Was Slammed for Speaking Reality
Only in post-rational America can fact be fiction and fiction be fact. Only here can cowardice be called courage and courage labeled bigotry.
When it comes to two uber-protected classes, that is what America has become. Dave Agema, one of Michigan’s four Republican National Committee members, has become the latest victim of regulated speech and classism.
Mr. Agema had the audacity to hope that, by re-posting some challenges to homosexual mythology and Obama-hyped Islam, truth might prevail. Instead, he has been rewarded with calls for his head. The usual cadre of group-think liberals are leading the pack along with paranoid Republican luminaries – the same Republican visionaries, by the way, that have RINO’d the party into losing the popular vote in five of six elections and helped usher George W. Bush into impotence for his second term.
What was Dave Agema’s treason? First he posted a portion of a report by Dr. Frank Joseph that cited well-established, sociologically and medically verified facts about the homosexual lifestyle and its conquest of public education. There was no fabrication of anything. There was no ranting. There were no personal attacks. Instead, the post was a simple re-issue of truth offered by a man entrusted to tell the truth by constituents who need the truth.
So far, the only ranting and insults have come from emperors with no clothes on, so to speak. Nothing in the original report has been disproven. The usual suspects simply drown out the challenge with their own high-pitched intolerances.
The second crime was committed during a Berrien County Republican Party reception in December. He described his personal experience with intimidations and manipulations. He simply retold what he witnessed of homosexual rights-bullying through the city of San Francisco and American Airlines employees. Again, no one has disproven his observations. He made no personal attacks. How dare he share his personal experiences in public.
Mr. Agema’s latest offense was apparently the last straw. On January 10th, he posted part of another blog. The original blog was a frustrated response to President Obama’s false Ramadan claims that American history is full of positive Muslim contributions. As an August 2010 Washington Times editorial (“Obama’s Islamic America”) points out so well, no such history exists. No matter, once again reality must surrender to contrived civility.
Dave Agema’s only real problem was that his re-posting on Islam in America helped a third party to publicly question whether any Muslim has ever done anything positive for the country. No one without universal knowledge can be that arrogant. That said, what is truly offensive is Agema’s beat-down by clueless power brokers in his own party.
There has been no shortage of advice from critics and none of it is anything new. The logic is “Be more like liberals.” Here is a revelation: Invigorate the power base that birthed one of the greatest spontaneous grassroots movements of modern times. You know, the one that gave many of them their jobs.
The last thing the Republican Party needs to do is sell their soul to “inclusive” body-counting. Such foolishness can only be characterized as an irrational faith by the establishment that its past failures of ideological fence-walking and TEA Party marginalizations will magically yield victory.