1409 Ferguson Is About Power and Victory
Racism, ignorance and suffering are powerful tools in the hands of talented opportunists. Add to the mix a mastery of duplicity and equivocation with a healthy dose of guided bitterness, and the result is a perfect leftist crusade.
The deadly confrontation in Ferguson, Missouri between Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson has been a textbook case. To their great credit, Michael Brown’s parents and Darren Wilson’s supporters have navigated their suffering with great dignity.
“Progressive” politicians, media and professional instigators have been the polar opposite. Their behavior has been and still is appalling. The underlying message has been the same for all of them – “Time to kick some white racist cop butt. To the Devil with the case. Wake up America to your shameful systematic oppression of black men. Time for our black President, our black U.S. Attorney General, our black federal and state senators and representatives, our black federal and state judges, our black businessmen and all those oppressed black-on-minority ransacked businesses to join the cause. And by the way, while we rage against and demean our opponents, we demand understanding, love and respect.”
For the left, Ferguson is about winning and conquering the present legal system. It is not about evidence, guilt or innocence. It is simply about power, control and reversed racism. Led by habitually corrupt Elijah Cummings, the Congressional Black Caucus is even calling for a police czar. Pressure has mounted for the fourth-term, popularly elected county prosecutor Bob McCulloch to be removed because he is a white lawyer with an extensive history in law enforcement and lost his father to a black assailant over four decades ago.
With admirable skills of duplicity (contradictory claims and double-talk) and moral equivalence (unrelated circumstances used as moral equals), leftist politicians such as U.S. Rep. William Clay and Missouri state senator Jamilah Nasheed preach justice and peace but refuse to submit to any outcome of investigations unless they end with charges and conviction. This tragedy has not been about the case since Brown’s accomplice in a strong-armed robbery, Dorian Johnson, went to the microphone. He claimed that a passing police officer singlehandedly accosted a 6’4″ nearly 300 pound jay-walking teenager, gunned him down in cold blood in the middle of a public street in broad daylight with witnesses all around for no good reason. For the likes of Sharpton, Clay, Nasheed and Johnson, it became about avenging Jim Crow history and winning.
It is hard to say whether the harsh criticism of the Ferguson Police Dpt. is a matter of ignorance or willful disregard for real world investigation. The fact is that when Officer Williams shot Michael Brown, time became irrelevant and critical details became need-to-know only. It may be excruciating for reporters, the grieving and rabble-rousers to take, but the very things they claim to want, truth and justice, hinge on a meticulous, totally controlled, snail-paced and sometimes secretive process. In this situation, the process included not casting Officer Williams’ name, career history and personal information to the rabid mobs. And, when disclosure did happen, it necessarily included Michael Brown’s history as well.
Is racism and bias alive in America? Yes it is. With ever-increasing vehemence, it is being stoked by the President of the United States, his Attorney General and characters like White House insider Al Sharpton. If anyone doubts the depth of corruption within the ranks of Eric Holder’s DOJ prosecutors, including those in Ferguson, take time to read Judge Engelhardt’s Danziger Bridge ruling in September of 2013.
Holder’s DOJ, with cover from the White House, is coming against a police department and legal process near you. So much for peace and justice.