1510 Little Guys Are the Wise Guys
Democrats, establishment Republicans and all stripes of broadcast and print media are dumbfounded by the rise of non-politicians such as Dr. Ben Carson, Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina. The situation has made this another historic election cycle. But the organics of campaign 2016 is more important for “the little guy” than for entrenched Washington bureaucrats and tunnel-visioned analysts.
In reality, it is not difficult to demystify current campaign conditions. This election is shaping up as a masterpiece of instruction for anyone who has forgotten about the importance of the power wielded by “little guys”. In this election, the true wise guys seem to be commoners – you know, the “fly-over” folks, the ones who “cling to guns or religion” (Barack Obama, April 2008), the supposed inconsequential work-a-day commoners, the ones that struggle to give a candidate $20 or $30 out of their budget.
Caring people are beginning to see the chance for a fundamental pivot away from years of political intrigue, manipulation of the electorate, abuse of power by all but a small minority in Congress and the worst imperial president of all time. In spite of struggles by mainliners in the information industry to drive narratives in their own image, Americans are waking up and looking for national renewal.
In an election year, the American people are supposed to be given transparent objective opportunities to evaluate potential leadership that could steer away from further national decline. But so far this year the first two debates have given us mostly useless theater. Amazingly, men like Ben Carson have been able to overcome all the passive-aggressive push-back and beat the odds. The question is, how?
Probably more than anything else, men like Carson have spent a lifetime climbing out of adversity to accomplish great things without sacrificing his integrity for the sake of political position and privilege. He has the temerity to publicly follow his Messiah instead of claiming to be one. On top of that, he dares to speak truths that his opponents are afraid of.
In August, when asked about faith’s presence in the Oval Office, he said this: “If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the Constitution, no problem.” Then about Congress he said “…if there’s somebody who’s of any faith, but they say things, and their life has been consistent with things that will elevate this nation…and bring peace and harmony, then I’m with them.”
But of course that was not what caused the eventual outcry from Islamists like CAIR. When pressured about Islam, he dared to note that radical Islam is a theocratic religion incompatible with the U.S. Constitution – strangely exactly what our founding fathers designed the nation to avoid and what the President refuses to acknowledge.
In the imaginations of liberals and Republican power brokers, the people should have arisen as one to kill Carson’s campaign. Instead, and again to their bewilderment, the wisdom of the people kicked in. As of the first of October, one poll has Carson leading Donald Trump by 7%. Little-guy contributions to Carson’s campaign continue to grow.
Ben Carson may not make it to the general election. If he doesn’t, it will not be for lack of support on the street but because of a manipulative intransigent political machine.