1706 God Is Indispensable for Our Nation
“It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will.”
— George Washington (Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789)
” …Those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord …” — Abraham Lincoln (Proclamation Appointing a National Fast Day)
” … God has made us strong and faith has made and kept us free … ” — Dwight D. Eisenhower (Remarks Recorded for Program Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Incandescent Lamp)
” … The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” — John F. Kennedy (Inaugural Address, 1961)
“If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” — Ronald Reagan (Dallas Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast, 1984)
What is the result in children’s thinking when they are taught that they are simply higher-level animals, when classrooms without Heaven’s heart have effected students’ values and ideas about the world around them? How socially competent are parolees when they are soul-dead after years in a godless “correctional” institution? Why do juveniles who have spent years in godless “rehabilitation” systems so often spend their adult years in and out of prison? How long can our military function ethically when a service member can be given a bad conduct discharge for displaying a Bible verse at her work station or a retired Lt. General is barred from speaking publically about his Christian faith (Clear and Present Danger: The Threat to Religions Liberty in the Military, Vol 2 May 2017).
These questions need to be asked because such circumstances and many others are understood and managed by a society saturated in no-God, no-spirit philosophies and psychologies. In too many cases the ones that assume man is but a biological machine are writing the textbooks which our children and grandchildren use. In public universities, God-mockers are teaching many of the college classes which your young adults attend. In “Christian” colleges, Scripture-dicing professors direct young minds in theology. Secular doctrine drives most of the television you watch and filters the evening news.
Individuals who ignore God in their professions drive some of the most important medical and health care issues of our day. Stem cell research, abortion, human cloning, assisted suicide etc., are almost always presented to us by them in terms of godless scientific advancement. Too much of the time the issues are presented as nothing more that a tug-of-war between those who would advance medicine and those who would hold them back.
The importance of recognizing God in public life cannot be over emphasized. At the most basic level of national life, the loss of respect for religion is poisonous. All of us make our contributions to the movement of our society toward God or away from him and therefore toward goodness or away from it. God does not reserve himself for experts, even if some of the experts live under the banner of “evangelical” faith and use their intellect to lobotomize Scripture while teaching others to do the same.
God’s interaction with the world means that life is not divided into separate compartments of what we privately believe versus what we do or tolerate the rest of the time. Public schools should not exist as spiritual vacuums. City governments, elected and funded by majority God-believing taxpayers, should not have to worry about being sued for using a menorah or a manger scene to recognize holidays that almost one hundred percent of the citizen-shoppers are themselves recognizing, even if only with their money.
Atheists and agnostics probably make up from 3% and 5% respectively of the entire U.S. population (America’s Changing Religious Landscape, Pew Research Center, May 2015). Hear this loud and clear. It is the doubters and disbelievers in their self-assumed role as the ones with better insight, who are the minority. God-believers are not the oddity. There is no reason for us to allow the minority to determine the nature of public expression, the character of our schools, the standards of our courts, the freedoms of military service members or the values of our culture.