2007 Choice: A Confederation of Tribes or a United People-Long
“Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it” (Thomas Paine). For those of us who still cherish this great nation – not one fractured into a confederation of tribes, but one that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of, one united people – these times are perilous and are indeed tiring.
Frankly, it did not have to come to this present condition, this domination of a movement bent on Taliban-style erasure of anything that does not meet its ideological standards. We should not have come to be led by men and women who cower before a movement energized and orchestrated by the likes of Black Live Matter (BLM) and Antifa; movements who boldly and publicly whip well-intentioned citizens of all stripes into fights, literal fights, over grievances based in absurd so-called history or supposed “systemic” sins that do not exist.
We have arrived at this pivotal point in our existence by allowing, over the last 50 or so years, sowers of discord to co-opt a civil rights movement of peace and unity. In its place, somehow, the nation became enthralled, because of past shames, with the completely irrational idea that the best way to fight racism and promote harmonious understanding is to create more racism through tribalization. You know, “unity through diversity” or “fairness” through racial entitlement. Once the lie was embraced that a fragmented people would yield wholeness, our current threats are an easy slide. All that was left for race peddlers and anarchists to do was grab the reins.
At this point in time, reality does not seem to have the impact it otherwise should. But facts should matter, whether you are a genuine victim or want to see justice and a better life for someone who is. A truly just society does not function on the barbarous notion of “blood guilt”, the belief that the offenses from one’s heritage follows him or her into the present, let alone into the person’s entire demographic group. Blood guilt is a weapon of totalitarians and anarchists. A nation that claims to preserve righteousness does not demonize, let alone prosecute, classes of citizens. If that were not the case, the entire Democratic Party would still be paying for their southern refusal to abolish slavery, Jim Crow laws, and segregation. If that were not the case, all of America would still demand reparations from Great Britain for infusing hundreds of thousands of Irish slaves (no not just “indentured servants) into the New World for an entire century (http://forums.canadiancontent.net/showthread.php?t=167827). The historical possibilities are endless.
Yet, here we are. A national movement built on deceptions about police racism and targeting of minorities when there is nothing except a few bad apples (https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2019/the-truth-behind-racial-disparities-in-fatal-police-shootings/) and a total and complete fabrication of the facts about crimes against minorities (https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/table-43). Rage fueled fantasy: 10 white-on-black police shooting deaths in the entire nation in 2019, all involving convicted felons assaulting officers or resisting lawful arrest, eight of them FBI-justified, officers in the other two prosecuted and convicted (https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-is-america-being-torn-apart-by-a-total-complete-but-provable-lie).
Radicals of every color are effectively using a fully matured grievance/victim /tribal mentality to scream for justice on the basis of blood guilt. The mob is rioting and trying to destroy history on the basis of blood guilt. This stopped being about racism when BLM and Antifa arrived. Now it is about the imposition of power – tearing down our nation’s roots to create a Leftist authoritarian alternative. If this were still about “systemic racism”, there would be no Civil Rights Act. There would be no desegregation, or integrated law enforcement, government agencies, or businesses. There would be no hate crimes laws; no black President, Secretary of State, congressmen, senators, governors, mayors, city councils or leaders of any kind. There would no Star Parker, Jason Riley, Brandon Tatum, Alveda King, Candace Owens, Burgess Owens, or many more.
Sinful people do sinful things. As has become abundantly clear of late, we all live in a fallen world. The Left believes that individuals are made at the mercy of their environment and the only way to fix society is by force of law and entitlements from the top down. The Right, for the most part, believes that people are made from their hearts and minds. Society is improved by the reformation character – from home to nation.
The best way to confront the racism is not by shaming others for their genetic makeup, the conditions of their birth, or their use of the resources at their disposal to be successful. Those things are the stuff of every single American life. To claim to be above such things, or below them, is to deny the power of self-determination, human nature, and rational thought. Such is the weapon of the “social justice” movement which is not justice at all.
The best way to be heard is to be attractive, to have unity is to be a harmonizer, to be respected is to be respectful, to solve even the worst offenses is to attack the problem instead of the people. As Proverbs 15:1 notes, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”.