2208 Attacks on Life, Liberty & Mar-a-Lago
This began as an essay about the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade also Casey. But in the glow such momentous achievements for the nation and our rule of law, the Leftist Bidon administration managed to sour the moment – to the point of using Russian and Chinese style weaponizations of the Justice Department against a former president of the United States. What I describe below should alarm true patriots.
The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago on August 8th is, I believe, an action which is in direct relationship with two of the latest Supreme Court decisions.
On June 24th the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) delivered one of the most consequential and difficult decisions in its modern history. In a 6-3 decision, six justices of the Court courageously defied the immense pressures of politics and threats to their personal safety in order to set a nearly 50 year miscarriage of judicial activism aright.
That SCOTUS finally corrected an egregious wrong by recognizing the most fundamental right of all rights, the right to possess life itself, is monumental for anyone who is willing to admit the humanity of the entity created at conception. But the Dobbs decision did more than that. It was, thankfully, not decided on the basis of right wing ideology or political intrigue, in spite of claims to the contrary. Instead, through rational analytic thought, it gave new life and preeminence to our battered and abused Constitution and betrayed the grand errors of Roe and Casey which have cost so many innocent lives and have since set in motion other judicial abuses.
In Dobbs V. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (Dobbs), the Court overturned both the infamous Roe V. Wade (Roe) decision that had supposedly “legalized” abortion on demand and the later decision in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey (Casey) which upheld Roe. Emotions have run high over the last five weeks. The shock to the social, legal, and political abortion infrastructure has been, at times, violent. Distortions and falsehoods concerning the decision have been rampant.
The fact is that the SCOTUS majority opinion absolutely eviscerated Roe and Casey. The decision carefully dissected the errant claims of historical fact and judicial precedence and did so with carefully cited genuine history and precedence. Dobbs furthermore exposed the dishonest jurisprudence that, in effect, created constitutional principles out of whole cloth with little regard for the text of the Constitution itself.
In the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYRPA) Inc. v. Bruen (Bruen), the high court once again neutered New York’s violations of the Second Amendment. New York severely limits concealed carry of firearms by what are called “good cause” provisions in which any applicant is required to show “proper cause” for a permit. In Bruen, the NYRPA sued the state after being denied licenses. Their actions were based on Second and 14th Amendment violations.
This SCOTUS decision was also a 6-3 win for liberty. In the majority opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas declared that the Second Amendment protects the right to carry handguns for self-defense without any “home/public” distinctions. This means that in states and localities that have “good cause” requirements for issuing handgun permits over and above a generalized need for self-defense, they are in violation of those amendments. The government is now the one who has to justify their restrictions, not the citizen who has to prove the worth of preserving his or her life.
The events at President Trumps home at Mar-a-Lago was a full-fledged, 30-man, Justice Department assault with automatic weaponry, a “gun boat” offshore, and the expulsion from the premises of all of Trump’s on-site attorneys. What was the justification? It was a dispute over National Archive documents. It was, essentially, a library dispute. Given the fact that former President Trump, along with all other former presidents, retains his top secret clearance and houses such documents in a secure location, the raid was a transparently political threat.
It is my contention that the FBI raid would have not happened if three conditions were not present: the insane response of the Left to Dobbs’ trashing Roe, the felt threat by the Left of more personal carry of weapons, and Trump’s almost sure presidential run in 2024. A full-scale subversive political battle for this country has now begun and the Left has now openly exposed its playbook – the same playbook of every other Nazi and Cuban-styled revolutionary in history.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is not hyperbole. The destruction of norms and the anarchy in the streets and the political persecutions over the last two years has now blossomed into an outright physical attack against a former president of the United States of America. If the conservative citizens of the nation do not come out in force on election day this coming November and put an end to the Democrats reign of oppression, America may never recover.