Ben Gurion gearing up to bring all 70 nations straight from the airport to Third Temple
All who survive of all those nations that came up against Yerushalayim shall make a pilgrimage year by year to bow low to the King lord of Hosts and to observe the festival of Sukkot. ZECHARIAH 14:16
Israel is upgrading its already impressive international airport. The government is also working on a railway infrastructure that will bring international travelers directly from the airport to the Temple Mount. This will enable all 70 nations to come to worship God in Jerusalem’s House of prayer, a vision that the government has already hinted is their true intention.
The Director General of the Airports Authority, Hagai Topolansky, announced that in 2023, Ben Gurion International Airport will open a new mega-terminal.
“In the western part of Terminal 3 at Ben Gurion Airport, another advanced terminal will be built that will combine innovation and efficiency and expand the services available for passengers going abroad. Starting next year, Terminal 3 will go through a digitization process that will make it possible for passengers to manage their departures abroad easily and independently,” Topolansky said.
The new terminal will be 30 meters wide and 130 meters long, adding 22 check-in counters, a security check system, and conveyors connected to the HBS systems (hold baggage screening).
“Our main goal is to improve the services provided to passengers through a strategy based on investments, innovation, and long-term vision that digitalize and improve the airport and, thus, improve services at Ben Gurion Airport and the flight experience for passengers,” added Topolansky.
It was also announced that with the approval of the Authority’s board and management, the engineering division began to plan the construction of the fifth wing for aircraft parking in the airport, adding areas for checking passenger baggage, connecting baggage conveyors, establishing additional food complexes, and establishing additional VIP rooms.
Israel National News reported that two million passengers will pass through the airport during September. In October, approximately 2 million more passengers are expected to pass through on international flights. In 2019, Ben Gurion handled 24.8 million passengers. The airport is considered among the five best airports in the Middle East due to its passenger experience and high level of security.
Recently signed normalization agreements with neighboring Arab countries have increased air routes for Israel and opened up Israel to Arab tourists.
In 2020, Israel’s Transportation Ministry said that it would move ahead with plans to build an extension of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem high-speed line that would directly connect Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion International Airport to the Western Wall in Jerusalem. A proposal was made to name the future Temple train station after Donald Trump.
The plan is experiencing stiff opposition from the Palestinian Authority, which wants Jerusalem as the capital of an Arab state inside Israel. The PA also denies that the Jewish Temples described in the Bible ever existed.
Transportation infrastructure will play an essential role in the Third Temple as a “House of Prayer for All Nations.” This was clearly in the minds of the Jerusalem municipality when they distributed brochures in the Ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem in July to address concerns about increasing the light rail system. The brochures featured religious Jews riding the light rail to the Third Temple, bearing animal and vegetable sacrifices.
Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, who writes a geula and Kabbalah blog in Hebrew called Sod HaChashmal (the secret energy), explained:
“ Hashem (God, literally ‘the name) is preparing the way for the pilgrims to arrive at the Temple,” Rabbi Fish told Israel365 News. “Practically, a train is the best means since it can carry many more people without the dangers or traffic jams associated with highways.”
He related an anecdote in his blog about Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, a leading rabbi in Jerusalem, in the late 19th century. Fish related that Rabbi Diskin heard the whistle of the first train to arrive in Jerusalem in 1892 and said, “They are clearing the way for Moshiach (Messiah), and the geula (redemption) is on the way.”
Fish sees this pre-Messiah train phenomenon being played out to an even stronger degree with the new high-speed track that will bring travelers directly from Ben Gurion International Airport to the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The train is expected to begin service in April, just in time for the Passover holiday.
“A high-speed train is precisely what is needed for Passover, when all of Israel is required to bring their sacrifice to the Temple,” Fish told Breaking Israel News. “ Hashem (God, literally ‘the name) is preparing the way for the pilgrims to arrive at the Temple.”
Fish explained that a train has unique characteristics that make it the most fitting means of transport for pilgrimage.
“Practically, a train is the best means since it can carry many more people without the dangers or traffic jams associated with highways,” Fish said.
“In Gematria (Hebrew numerology), ‘rakevet’ equals 622, precisely the same as ‘har HaBayit’ (the Temple Mount)”,” Fish said.