Stories of Creeping Crud –230218
Recently, San Francisco Bay Area banned gas furnaces and gas water heaters by a future date. So, another smaller government, taking its unethical activist standards from big government, decides to control and eliminate one of the two cheapest forms of heating our homes and heating our water. It’s another new craze based in no science whatsoever in regard to pollution and the saving of the planet. This story also demonstrates the dark underbelly motivation behind these kinds of campaigns – the sacrifice of the well-being of the American people at the altar of a fake global emergency.
Next story. In congressional testimony, it was revealed from a review of internal documents that Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies have actually developed a formal system for taking in moderation requests from multiple agencies of the federal government to include the Justice Department and the FBI. It would appear that those in power over us, through institutions run by operatives that the American people have neither elected nor vetted, have taken the next step in the march toward central control of the flow of information. Through this kind of system, the elites of corporate America and the power hungry of the administrative state, are seizing the power to decide truth and reality before any citizen can take advantage of massively important information.
Finally, the Department of Justice is quietly planning to prosecute approximately 1000 more new people on charges related to January 6th. This is in spite of the fact that they are already holding political prisoners without due process and in direct opposition to their constitutional rights, and this on the slimmest of evidence and in complete denial of the emerging video record. Without a doubt, these victims will be people who were either simply on the grounds outside the capital or in some cases possibly not even there but somehow perceived as involved. This kind of prosecution can have only one purpose and that is the intimidation of the American people.
These are stories of creeping crud; the advance of a decaying and corrupt federal power structure driven by Marxist philosophy and radical leftist ideology. Folks, if we don’t escalate our involvement In the political system of this great nation, if we don’t begin to exercise the influence necessary to preserve our culture, this nation will not survive. This is not hyperbole; this is simply an obvious conclusion from the evidence.
I am sure that there are some of you out there that are wondering how the leaders involved in this mess could possibly be acting out of malice. And the fact of the matter is that many of them are not. They are acting out of the nature of who they are. The apostle Paul framed this situation well when he observed that such people have as their “… god their appetite, and whose glory is in their shame, who set their minds on the earthly things…”. But the apostle also prescribed the kind of ethic which could be an antidote to the crud. He said, “… Whatever is true, whatever is honorable whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good reputation, if there is any excellence, anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things”.