0503 Homosexual School Campaign
Heterophobia hit another low with recent attacks on Dr. James Dobson. MSNBC.com called him a C.R.A.C.K.P.O.T. Locally, anyone else who might share his understanding of moral absolutes was skillfully demonized as endangering national security and being party to biblically motivated genocide, witch-burning, kidnapping, rape, slavery and murder. Apparently that kind of character assassination coupled with disgraceful, if not libelous, falsification of the facts represents liberalism’s treasured standard for intellectual debate, forward-looking dialogue, openness to other worldviews and compassionate agape (unconditional) love.
What was Dr. Dobson’s crime? He had the fortitude to express grave concern about a video and accompanying lesson plans scheduled for distribution to 61,000 public and private schools for use on March 11th during the proposed “We Are Family” day. His alarm centered on the lesson plans because they shanghaied wholesome, widely trusted children’s characters. The purpose was to present a pro-homosexual social and moral agenda within tax-funded public and parent supported private institutions with little or no parental notice or consent.
Dobson’s concerns and the concerns of a vast majority of religious Americans are based in three areas. First, children of any age belong to their parents and parents are responsible to God, not to society or educators, for the formation of their children’s hearts and minds. Parents may be willing to grant temporary control of children to others during a school day, but they never relinquish sovereignty over them. Without parents’ express permission, implementing the “We Are Family” lesson plans would be a direct usurpation of parents’ legal, moral and spiritual authority and thereby a violation of God’s familial mandate.
Secondly, there is no socially redeeming value in the homosexual lifestyle, no genetic predisposition and no moral consensus concerning it that justifies social engineering of elementary age children. According to the CDC, homosexual men are a thousand times more likely to contract AIDS and among them other STD’s rampant. Sixty percent of new Syphilis cases originate within the 2.8 percent of our population that practices homosexuality. It’s no wonder, considering that Bell and Weinberg found 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners and 28 percent reached 1,000 or more partners. Several studies (Archives of General Psychiatry) have confirmed significantly higher rates of anxiety disorder, major depression, conduct disorder and suicide. Statistics reveal that up to 50 percent of lesbians are in abusive relationships and that domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that of the heterosexual population (Lie, Gentlewarrier, Island and Letellier). Every attempt to find a genetic determinant or a predisposition toward homosexuality has failed. The research of Kinsey, Hooker, Levay, Hamer and Bailey/Pillard has been soundly discredited because of prejudiced sampling, deeply flawed techniques and agenda-driven analysis.
The Third area involves the constant efforts to promote heterophobia and sexual license as unconditional love. Every good parent understands the ability to unconditionally love while rejecting wrong or self-destructive behavior. Sometimes refusing to accept detrimental or immoral behavior is the most difficult but most meaningful type of love. It means sacrificially doing what is best for the object of one’s love in order to demonstrate God’s expectations. Genuine hope and fulfillment become reality when love exposes self-destructiveness or moral transgression and offers deliverance. Yet, evangelicals are derided for trying, through the Heavenly Father, to do exactly that.
Unless one embraces liberalism’s skepticism toward the existing Biblical text and accepts their deep mistrust of the historical accuracy of that text, Jesus is not silent on the social/moral crusades represented by the We Are Family Foundation. He created sexuality in Genesis. He defined sexual purity and condemned impurity in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, 1 Kings and Amos. Despite some theologians’ bogus claims that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was inhospitality, Matthew records Jesus’ unquestioningly using the understanding of His day concerning the sexual sin of those cities and referencing them in a monologue of judgment. Even more, Jesus continued to speak very clearly in Romans, 1 Corinthians, 1 Timothy, 2 Peter and Jude.
But the Sponge Bob episode exposes a much larger problem than a forced-feeding of homosexual propaganda to school children on March 11th. Two of the structures that molded who we are as a nation, freedom of speech and freedom of religion, are now being eroded at the hands of intolerant liberal ideology and political correctness run amuck. Our nation cannot survive as an incubator for self-centered secularist or pseudo-Christian social sub-continents. American heritage and culture, founded in spirituality and the free expression of truth, needs to be reclaimed and treasured in all its melting pot splendor.