0703 Surrendering to the North American Union
Sometime around March of 2003, a tongue-in-cheek plan for peace began being circulated on the internet which was attributed to Robin Williams. Although Williams had nothing to do with it, the plan, whatever its origin, contains a couple of attractive suggestions.
For one thing, so the plan goes, since theU.S.is constantly berated for “interfering” in international affairs, she should pull all troops out of foreign lands including those of disgruntled allied nations to whom she has “interfered” with any kind of peacekeeping or humanitarian support. The troops could be “redeployed” to American border areas to create true homeland security.
Next, all illegal aliens would be given ninety days to get their affairs in order and leave. After ninety days any hangers-on would be deported to their country of origin. Future visitors would be thoroughly screened to bar anyone from terrorist nations. TheU.S.would no longer accept foreign “students” older than 21 years of age and would require passing grades from regularly attended classes.
Such a peace plan could actually work except for a several complications. The complications include organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC), the Trilateral Commission, the Trinational Environmental Working Group and the Foreign Agricultural Service. Most of these groups and many more have, over many years, been created piecemeal under the auspices of trade agreements, cooperation initiatives and administrative rule changes. Their overriding purpose is “deep integration” of North American nations. Because of these below-the-radar, our federal leadership would not have the will to take such measures.
Until about two years ago, any assertions about integrating nations or creating a North American Union were considered fodder for whacko conspiracy theorists. That began changing with NAFTA and, in March of 2005, with the media-ignored Security and prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).
Under these authorities, a multitude of agencies, tribunals and a “Secretariat” have been established with the potential authority to circumvent anyU.S.statute or court decision that will conflict with new “American Community” standards. Plans include full military “cooperation”, free-flow borders, “harmonization” of trade controls, energy “integration”, common environmental standards, “continuity” of governments in crises events and “partnerships” in education, science and technology.
To illustrate the will of these power brokers, consider what has been called the NAFTA super highway. It is to be 4,000 miles of twelve-lane highway, railroad lines, pipelines and communication lines reaching from Mexico to Canada. The proposal is to make it an unlimited access route for trucks and other traffic coming from Canada and Mexico. InTexas alone it will take up 584,000 acres of land through eminent domain proceedings valued at $184 billion. To make matters worse, the work could be done in large part by a foreign construction company.
From all indications, it would seem that it is time to demand a public accounting from both parties inWashingtonfor their willful deterioration of our national sovereignty and cultural identity. After fighting a war 230 years ago to settle the question of independence and after spilling each other’s blood to preserve the union (not to mention our national identity), it is frightening to realize that the movers and shakers within the North American Union campaign have been our own secretaries of Homeland Security, State, Defense and Commerce.
Senator Jesse Helms recognized it in 1987. He is quoted as saying, “This campaign against the American people – against traditional American culture and values – is systematic psychological warfare. It is orchestrated by a vast array of interests comprising not only the Easter establishment but also the radical left. Among this group we find the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the money center banks and multinational corporations, the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry, and the large tax-exempt foundations.”
Even if most members of Congress claim to be mystified by the commotion, state leaders still have their patriotic heads on straight. They seem to understand what federal bureaucrats, corporate power mongers and many Americans have forgotten or ignore. Our constitutional republic rests its authority in the people. Government is the servant of people, not the people of the government. So far, six state legislatures have introduced resolutions calling for the United States to pull out of the SPP. Will Michigan and her people also stand for our hard-won freedoms national sovereignty? Time will tell and time is short.