1004 Healthcare Reform Driven Activism
No apocalyptic crisis ever existed. But through a travesty of constitutional process, hypocrisy and an abuse of power, we just scrapped the best healthcare system in the world.
Most Americans are outraged. Yet, those responsible for nationalizing another one-sixth of a formerly free economy seem appalled and frightened by the public outcry.
It is not as though they could not have seen it coming. Congress has endured over a year of unprecedented citizen outcry. In spite of that, in a supreme act of legislative arrogance, congressional leadership and the White House ignored TORT reform but used political bribery and extortion to gain votes. To help pay for crippling new expenditures, they nationalized the student loan system for the profit.
The victors in this situation, politicians acting like autocrats instead of liberty-loving Americans, have been amazing to watch. Campaigns have begun in earnest to sell a plan that is supposed to sell itself. Those who positioned themselves as being akin to Plato’s philosopher kings now have to defend their supposed wisdom.
The left’s rhetoric is not benign. The same people who accused President Bush of fear mongering and stood idly by while he was repeatedly hung in effigy, postured to look like Hitler and called a murderer, now seem distraught about violence that has not happened and threats which almost every politician has to endure. While whining about misinformation, they neglect to mention the year they have had to sell their nationalization of healthcare with the aid of an adoring media.
In a way, there is reason to be thankful. If it were not for congress and the White House having so effectively revealed the deep seated culture of corruption within which they so freely operate, the American people would not be rising to the occasion.
Americans are not European wannabes in conviction or in culture. When people who still hold dear what made this nation great are backed into a corner, they throw parties – tea parties. When their demands for answers and representative governance are thwarted, they get creative and they do not go away.
This is what spawned the TEA party movement. Good people simply got tired of being minimized, financially bled and bullied. They got creative and decided to be heard anyway. In the best tradition of our founding fathers, they found other thinking informed people and began to organize.
It has now become readily apparent that masses of voices are still not enough. Grassroots Americans are still demanding a voice but have realized that a representative republic no longer has a place in the plans of those in power. It is obvious that party-line politics is not a viable option. It is also obvious that a change of power is in order.
To that end, good, intelligent, thinking Americans have decided on new approaches to finding better leadership. Organizations such as Independence Caucus (iCaucus) have a better idea than relying on party power structures. Instead of campaigning for a nod from a party, candidates are investigated and approved by a membership as large as the reach of the internet but as intimate as local communities. If a candidate makes it through the process with at least a seventy percent approval, they earn boots-on-the-ground and financial support during their party’s primary.
Our beloved nation will only retain her liberties, uniqueness and position in the world by renewing the founding formula that fueled those achievements in the first place. Her people will continue to enjoy their blessings only to the extent that they take back the electoral process and are willing to reject big government democratic socialism.