0807 Fairness and Enda
With election year politics raging and candidates flip-flopping like freshly landed trout, dangerous movements within Congress are enjoying a media blackout. What is happening is not simply the usual political mischief. It is a broadside attack on some of our most basic freedoms, ironically being perpetrated in the name of freedom.
The objective is the elimination of any public critique of liberal sacred cows. One of the most sacred liberal causes is the institutionalization and public acceptance of GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual) ideology and behavior.
Most conservatives recognize the assault on the family being waged through activist courts. Few seem to understand the damage happening to families in Washington D.C. Efforts center on controlling conservative media and imposing behavioral civil rights for GLBT persons within America’s private workforce. Talk is growing in Congress of reviving the old “fairness doctrine,” an effort aimed at conservative talk shows. The goal is to force television and radio stations, no matter the nature of their ownership, mission or purpose, to carry viewpoints that they may oppose philosophically.
The ability to control the media is fundamental to controlling the redefining families. What a person’s family views and listens to shapes their ideas and the ideas of their teachers, friends, and relatives. If discussions of the pathologies and repercussions of GLBT lifestyle choices are effectively censored, a new “family” reality will win and genuine family will suffer irreparably.
For liberals that is, of course, the whole point. Their push is to use the strong arm of government to force all media into providing equal time for adversarial propaganda. The fairness doctrine was trashed 20 years ago as patently anti-free speech but Democrats are chomping at the bit to revive it again, especially if they gain the White House and commanding control of Congress.
ENDA (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act) is the second attack on family. ENDA (H.R.3685) passed in the House of Representatives by a 235-184 vote in November. Since then it has been lying dormant in the Senate waiting to rear its ugly head. Employment is the Trojan horse; massive social re-engineering is the ultimate goal.
Unlike the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which correctly and necessarily prohibits discrimination based on undeniably innate human characteristics, ENDA is specifically GLBT legislation. It is carefully created to reflect civil rights language. It would canonize “real or perceived” “sexual orientation” as civil liberties, as well as lifestyle choices based on sexual behaviors of potential and present employees as well as their past and present “associations.”
ENDA, in the final analysis, would criminalize convictions of the heart and suppress healthy social morality. Behaviors which have no socially or medically proven innate qualities would summarily set aside workplace freedoms of religion, assembly and speech. For families, the threat is forced normalization of deviant sexual lifestyles through every day venues.
ENDA-style laws adopted by individual states are increasing. Catholic Charities has closed its adoption services inMassachusetts. Orthodox Jewish Yeshiva University was forced to accept same-sex couples in married housing. The University of Toledo fired its vice president of human resources after she wrote a letter to the editor exposing the false comparisons between genuine civil rights and efforts to gain special rights based on sexual preferences.
Liberal activists and politicians cannot fathom that for millions of Americans religion and morality are not cloistered segments of life. They are not just church pew satisfactions, but life-defining soul and mind commitments. Such is the religion protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. It is the same religion that provides the soul for all other privileges of citizenship guaranteed by that social contract.