1208 – Love and Courage versus Mob Sexuality
Three stories of love and courage surfaced in July but did not get much media attention. Part of the reason for such a lack of attention is that we live in a time when any public stand against sexual promiscuity is frowned upon by the powers of intolerant tolerance. Courageous decisions for the love of children become publically portrayed as despotism and hate.
The first story covered a 5-2 vote by the Erie Community Unit School District in Illinois to end use of pro-homosexual materials from GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). Unsurprisingly, parents had a problem with instructing young children to put Spiderman in a “magic tiara” and teachers normalizing homosexuality by including “a variety of family structures and gender expressions” in classroom activities.
A mid-July Associated Press story has rankled the left even more. After a two-year confidential study and twelve years after a Supreme Court decision establishing their right to do so, The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) retained their policy prohibiting homosexual membership in the group. Chief executive Bob Mazzuca offered the common sense BSA position when he stated, “The vast majority of the parents of youth we serve value their right to address issues of same-sex orientation within their family, with spiritual advisors and at the appropriate time and in the right setting.”
Also in July, Chick-Fil-A hit the national scene as the left’s latest whipping boy. The mainstream media began the demagoguery almost without hesitation. What was the loathsome crime committed? Chick-Fil-A’s president, Dan Kathy had the audacity to publically proclaim his and his company’s unabashed belief in traditional marriage and Christian values. According to reports, when protesters began congregating at the company’s restaurants, at least the participants brave enough to be there during business hours, they were met with free food and drink.
These three incidents exemplify genuine courage and love, not the fake versions of liberalism, progressivism if you prefer. As Ann Coulter so effectively documents in her book “Demonic”, the history of liberalism’s mob movements is a history of irrationality, destructiveness, cowardice and hate, not courage and love.
It does not take courage or love to indoctrinate children with a cultural mob philosophy that makes sexual license, homosexual or heterosexual, a virtue and love an all-inclusive anything-goes excuse for moral flabbiness, incompetence or cowardice. It does however take courage to stand against the persecutions, slanders and distortions of the sexual mob for the sake of chastity and a love that says “no” while offering new life.
It does not take courage to participate in a cultural mob march chanting catchy lyrics that generate P.R. and sympathy but have little basis in truth or reality. It does however take courage and love to stand against street-level platitudes or defy Human Relations Commissions or run businesses and non-profits based on faith and substance rather than feelings and slogans.
Conservative Thomas Sowell made a great point about shaping children for the sake of the future. He wrote, “Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians who must be civilized before it is too late.”
Homosexual activists and liberals in general realized the importance of Sowell’s insight long ago. Conservatives were oblivious until they saw their children taking the heat.
Who’s future will our children embrace? Will they occupy the streets having mastered cowardice in the name of courage and licentiousness in the name of love? Will they instead take the difficult path of personal purity and cultural renewal? The outcome will depend on us.