1501 Why Should Obamnesty Surprise Anyone After Deceptocare?
The last six years have been excruciating in terms of executive corruption, abuse and consolidation of power by the Obama administration. The list is long and, for anyone who reveres the rule of law, very frustrating. Since the mid-term elections, there are no better developments than Deceptocare and Obamnesty to demonstrate the consequences of government in the hands of the far left.
The fraudulent nature of the so-called Affordable Care Act (ACA, Obamacare), which is neither caring nor affordable, began to be exposed on November 7th when a group called American Commitment posted the first of at least six videos that, with the exception of Fox News, mainstream self-proclaimed keepers of truth missed then virtually ignored. “Commitment” captured ACA architect Jonathan Gruber, an MIT economist, in rarely candid moments presenting the true motivations and mechanics of the law.
Taken in totality, the political image was grotesque. It laid bare intentional hypocrisy, deception and masterful manipulation of the American public and government oversight. In the videos, Gruber admitted to massive new camouflaged taxes, the political advantages of “non-transparency”, budget extortion toward states, exploitation of economically “ignorant” Americans, “tortured” text in order to fool the Congressional Budget Office and predicted losses of health insurance coverage. Suddenly, Nancy Pelosi’s famous declaration that the ACA, Deceptocare, had to be “passed to know what’s in it” makes perfect sense and points to the Democratic leadership’s complicity in the scam. In the real world, convincing someone to accept a health care policy under fraudulent circumstances is a federal crime (USCODE-2012-title18-partI-chap63-secs 1346 and 1347).
In another November story, President Obama’s executive action on illegal immigration, could prove to be the Left’s second most important political piracy of America’s future. In a November 20 speech, the President announced his intention to go it alone on immigration reform – in other words, abrogate existing federal statutes without a pesky legal process. Indeed, both a White House press release on that day and a “travel pool report” the next day led to widespread reports of an Obama “executive order” which in turn led to heated reactions.
According to the National Archives and Records Administration, there was no executive order ever signed. That would seem like a good thing at first until the more shady truth is exposed. In reality, so far, the immigration remake has been done by an executive memorandum issued through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Conveniently, as of this writing, in defiance of federal law, it has not been numbered for the public to review in the Federal Register. Unlike executive orders (which the president has done a little less of than recent predecessors), executive memoranda are essentially the same thing as orders but fly under the radar. They accomplish the same ends as orders but make tracking and accountability much more difficult. To accomplish his ideological agenda by the back door, Obama has out-issued memoranda to the tune of 33% more than Bush Two and 45% more than Bill Clinton did.
Two of the most consequential policy moves in recent history will impact citizens’ medical well-being, civil liberties, personal security, financial futures and, potentially, the stability of our country. Deceptocare and Obamnesty are products spawned as children of subterfuge, fraud and slight-of-hand. Both are at least potentially unconstitutional but they are both most definitely immoral.