2103 The Occupation of America By Its Own
My family now includes five generations of military service in every branch save the Coast Guard and Marines. They did not serve for personal gain or social status. They did their part because it was honorable and because, whether they always felt it or not, it contributed to the preservation of freedom.
Military strength is paramount, and a nation will not survive without it, not to mention having the courage to use it and the wisdom to know when. But no free people can stand on the one-legged stool. The fact is that freedom Is never more than one national act of cowardice away from tyranny. The real bulwark against tyrannical conquest is within the nation itself, not at its borders or in the hands of powers outside of her. As G.K. Chesterton wrote, “There are an infinity of angles at which one falls, only one at which one stands”.
When the United States of America was birthed as a democratic republic, for the first time in all of history, she came to life under a covenant of God-ordained liberty. She declared to the rest of the world her clear defiance of tyranny. The preservation of our infant nation rested in the power of Divine attributions toward every citizen – individual worth, Individual righteousness, and responsibility; national righteousness, patriotism, and courage; and the demands of justice under law established by the consent of the governed.
Unfortunately, we are now living in an upside-down nation where all these values are either being suppressed or re-branded as the evil spawn of white privilege, systemic racism, and even the capitalism that empowered America to rise to heights of freedom which have never been seen before in the world. The purveyors of these perversions of reality have weaponized them to the point of, what I consider to be, an increasingly victorious insurgency of our republic by its own citizens and leaders.
America is becoming an occupied country. If anyone thinks that that statement is fantastic or conspiratorial, examine the evidence. Begin with the current military occupation of Washington D.C. – and that is exactly what it is. There is no discernible threat to the nation’s capital. The justification is based on unverified “chatter”, online posts by conspiracy buffs, and the paranoia of congressional Democrats. Because the Left has been able to frame the January 6th riot as an “armed insurrection” which flies in the face of sane markers of reality, our beautiful capitol remains locked away from citizens. At bottom, imprisoned Washington D.C. is nothing less than a weapon of soft tyranny being used project an image of imminent threat that does not exist. If Americans can be convinced of the Left’s version of threats from fellow citizens, they will be able to project themselves as our only hope for security.
As strange as it may sound, a more powerful but less blatant occupation has been and, in most states, continues to be, conducted by government itself. America’s system of federalism, as enumerated the U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of all fifty states of limited representative government that exists solely at the behest of the governed, the right of states to exercise all authority not enumerated in the Constitution, and guaranteed individual liberties and protections against government intrusion, are the banes of the Left. For that reason, because of their hatred and lust for centralized power, that system of federalism, limited government, states’ rights, and basic liberties have been progressively nullified under cover of COVID-19. There is an inverse relationship between the occupation of D.C. and the nullification of liberties by governments across the nation. To the extent that the level of successful deceit deepens, the pandemic of equal and greater reality of true abrogation of liberties metastasizes.
There are many more fronts in the internal war – a compromised election system, propagandizing by big media, suppression by tech oligarchs, normalization of upside-down racism, breaking our borders. Sadly, by all appearances, most citizens have willingly submitted to incremental conquest.
Always remember: Progressives/Leftists usually guilty of what they condemn.