2107 Top Three Developments to “Raise Cain” About
It seems like time to expose three stories that are largely ignored by almost broadcast news outlets. So far much of what is happening before the eyes the American people is still available on the internet through non-social media sources but given recent developments, even those sources could face massive assault in the future unless citizens wake up and begin “raising Cain”.
My pick for the most immediately dangerous situation is not just the complete breakdown of normal security on our southern border, but the underlying assault on the fabric of our social order. A June 27, 2021, story; “542 Percent Increase in Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Border”, finally exposes the insidious danger of abandoning genuine efforts to insulate Americans from imported evil.
It is especially important to put perspective on this story. So far this year, 250,000 illegal aliens have escaped capture. If border sex offender arrests have escalated to over 500%, ask yourself what that means for the numbers of perpetrators who have gotten into our nation undetected. More than that, many offenders have prior convictions and have been deported, sometimes more than once.
Of course, those findings only deal with the relatively small portion of criminal aliens. By extension, try to wrap you head around what portions of the rest of the “get-away” population contains organized crime, assaulters, thieves, murderers, robbers, or the mentally unstable. Is not this invasion of our national sovereignty worthy of a national free speech uprising to demand security and answers from the Biden administration and any leader at any level of government who supports this madness or is complicit?
The next two stories highlight the unprecedented attacks from your fellow citizens. June 27,2021: “Over 500 Election Fraud Cases Are Pending in Texas Courts: Attorney General”. This is simply astounding. In a national election which was won or lost by only thousands of votes in many states, one state alone is litigating over 500 separate instances of documented purpose-driven fraud. And Texas is a red state!
The response from the Left? “How dare you demand that a voter have an identification?” “How dare you ask for ballots to have verifiable signatures?” “How dare you restrict voting to when an election is actually taking place?” “How dare you demand the purging of voter rolls of dead people, people who no longer live where the claim to be, or restrict ballots and ballot applications to citizens who actually can demonstrate need?” The irrationality of such challenges should be obvious to any faire-minded person.
The hypocrisy should be lost on no one. For years, the left persecuted a legally elected sitting president of the United States of America claiming he was everything from a Russian asset to him planning a coup if he lost his next election. And yet, those same politicians, self-righteous media types, and disgruntled ex-administration “contributors” are calling for a soft coup of our who system of representative government.
Without the ability to secure the Constitution’s mandates for representative government or preserve the sovereignty of American citizen voters, this nation nor any other nation can possibly preserve freedom and avoid the darkness of Marxism and communism. Don’t scoff. Modern history is littered with once-free and prosperous countries who have those things are no more.
The final story exposes one circumstance among many of assaults against the American people by their own government’s bureaucracy. “Top Republicans Seek Treasury IG Probe of IRS Denial of Faith Group’s Exempt Application.” Three congressmen – Jordan, Comer, and Mike Johnson, have discovered that the Internal Revenue Service rejected the application for tax exemption status from a Texas group “Christians Engaged” (CE).
According to the article, Christians Engaged “encourages Christians from all denominations to pray for all American civic leaders, regardless of party; to be informed on political issues and biblical values; and to vote”. Their application should have been a no-brainer since federal law allows religious groups “to take positions on public policy issues, including issues that divide candidates in an election for public office” as long as such groups do not campaign for or advocate for a particular party or candidate. But, 10 years after the IRS was caught and sued for discrimination against TEA party groups, they are at it again.
The rejection letter which can be found on the web, has a long section of “Facts” intended to demonstrate the CE is a political action group which campaigns and attempts to influence campaigns. First the backgrounds of CE’s leadership are delineated apparently to demonstrate that Christians with histories of political involvement is disqualifying in and of itself. The letter then takes a little over a full page of single-space descriptions of the group’s activities of prayer, education concerning issues of the sanctity of life, marriage’s definition, biblical standards of justice, freedom of speech, religious liberty, human trafficking, borders, national defense, and more. The letter complains that CE trains citizens how to become actively involved and how to discern between good and bad candidates.
When this letter is distilled to its essence, it is nothing more than a declaration that if conservative Americans organize around prayer, the exercise of their First Amendment rights, or train others how to advocate for particular causes and know how to recognize the good and the bad, they are violating liberal/leftist IRS standards and will be punished.
This IRS story should raise liberty alarm bells for anyone, Left or Right, who care about the future of their freedoms and of the nation itself. But coordinate all three of these stories in your mind and realize where our great USA is now plunging under its present leadership.
Please, please be very alarmed. If you are not, consider the consequences for you and those who follow after you.