2109 A Veteran Ashamed and Furious
I served in the era of the Cold War and the waning years of the Viet Nam war. I listened in horror when the news broke of the deaths of 13 military servicemen as a result of two Isis explosions at the Kabul airport and a hotel. Another 15 were wounded and a total of over 150 additional casualties have been reported. It has also been reported that after the two explosions, gunfire erupted into the surviving crowd.
I also listened to the statements of Joseph Biden and his press secretary. I am a veteran that is ashamed of our supposed “Commander-in-Chief”, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and principle high-level commanders. My revulsion is not just because of the half-truths and shameless distortions of facts on the ground. This behavior has now cost the blood of patriots. It demonstrates a callous disregard for human life, let alone shear disloyalty to American citizens.
The gravity of our surrender is not simply a military and foreign policy humiliation that will damage America for the foreseeable future. It was and should remain a dire alarm concerning the character of our current administration and top military brass. The cowardice is unbelievable.
Jen Psaki made the statement that the best way to protect Americans is to leave on time. In other words, somehow, America was actually protecting her citizens and allies by giving them to the enemy! While trying to justify the vulnerability of trapped victims, Psaki repeatedly made references to the administration’s concern for the safety of our fighting forces. No one wants anyone to be harmed, but there was a time in the very recent past when the United States military’s first mission was to fight and defend the citizenry, rather than first evaluating a threat to itself to make sure it was not in danger.
The absurdity a fighting force being concerned for its own safety over those it is sworn to protect has been perfectly illustrated by news reports which surfaced through non-mainstream media sources. In one case, the commander of the 82nd Airborne unit attempted to stop a British commando group from leaving the airport so that they could rescue British citizens. The commander scolded the commando leader for embarrassing our forces. In another incident, Marine commander at an airport gate turned away American citizens and families attempting to be rescued through a private effort. Three bus loads were turned away only to fall into the hands of the Taliban. The only possible reasons for such actions as these was a fear of self-harm.
It would seem that political expediency is now the driving mission of the military under an administration without a moral compass. We now know, through confirmation by General McKinsey, that lists of citizens, green card holders, and Afghan partners were given to the Taliban in a stupendously naive effort to let them “help” those victims leave. Prior to handing over a hit-list, as it were, the Biden administration had made a deal in Qatar, including an undisclosed payment, with Taliban leaders to have the Afghan air force grounded to facilitate the entry of top terrorist Taliban leadership.
There is so much more. Biden forbade special forces operations, rejected Pentagon contingency plans, and nixed a plan to retake of Bagram air force base, scrapped the Trump administration plan. President Trump’s plan had already been in play. It provided for a benchmarked final withdrawal, had a May 1st was a “forcing” date, was contingent on successful intra-Afghan talks resulting in a coalition government, demanded successful removal of all Americans and Afghan partners. All equipment was to be accounted, per piece with hard documentation.
Most importantly, in contrast to Biden’s absence of leadership, 2,500 troops and 3,000 non-military personnel would remain for enforcement, a strike force would remain in case the deal was not honored, and we would continue to support the Afghan forces.
At this point in time, with perhaps thousands of victims still trying to reach safety, the Untied States State Department Is actually standing in the way of more private evacuations. All of the actions just described would call for court marshals and impeachment proceedings. Yet still no accountability. Fellow citizens, the danger to the general welfare and national security is mounting exponentially. Your outcries must match the treat.