2110 Climate – Context and Intentions Matter
Context always matters, as a matter of fact it is what gives meaning to how we all understand the world around us. It also provides one of the most important ways to test truth claims, especially if those claims are said to be based in science that is linked to an ideology. Testing matters to Holland given the push to rush Holland backwards energy wise.
The idea of manmade climate change is one of those issues that stands or falls on contexts – historic, scientific, and linguistic. The historic context is the most obviously abused and easiest one to expose for anyone who cares to take even a cursory look at the record.
First for a little political/ideological history. A good place to start is with Patrick Moore co-founded Greenpeace in the 1970’s. Moore holds a PhD in Ecology. Greenpeace began as a bona fide effort to fight what he and others felt were abuses because of gratuitous killing of whales and seals, as well as toxic practices such as hydrogen bomb testing and the dumping of toxic wastes. Moore writes that eventually “…the ultra-leftists took over my organization when they realized there was a lot of money and power to be had there”. In the mid-1980’s, the new Greenpeace, in spite of science to the contrary, launched a campaign against chlorine. Moore believes that this and other such organizations are where scare stories of impending catastrophes and doom started.
Climate history is another abused area. To put it simply, sample size matters. For instance, if I claim that COVID infections have made a resurgence as has never been seen before, but my sample size is taken from McAllen Texas where, literally, thousands of COVID-positive illegal immigrants have been inserted, any thinking person would cry foul.
The same holds true for so-called manmade climate change. (Remember, throughout all the discussion, models are all based on the false assumption that only select variables and mechanisms are important and that they have remained constant for the entire history of the Earth.) The instrumental record only covers about 25% of the globe for just about 120 years, as of 2016. As Dr. Tim Ball pointed out, if one believes in the age of the Earth in the billions of years, that represents one-26-tenmillionth per cent of Earth’s history. If, like myself, one believes in a much more compressed age, the record still represents just a one one-hundredth per cent of the record.
By using all available methods of climate research, to include Antarctic and Greenland ice core samples, studies demonstrate that the Earth, as of 2020, was cooler than it was around 7800, 7000, and again around 3500 years ago. The fact of the matter is that current temperatures are cooler than approximately 97% of the last 10,000 years. The Minoan warm period (3500 years ago) was probably over 35 degrees F warmer! According to current ideas, apparently, the ancients were actually the initiators of several failed industrial revolutions and contributed even more CO2 than moderns have. Obviously, other factors were the cause, factors which the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC) chooses not to include in its models. Not only that, but there are multiple variables that models simply cannot possibly compute.
All of this is vitally significant. As manmade climate activists will continue to apply pressure because their goals are radical. Their ideology and intentions are what drive them, not the well-being of human beings. Activists will never be satisfied until resources and property, whether by direct oversight or California-style regulation reverts Earth back to a “state of nature”. Ultimately, their utopia would be much more densified, forcing populations to work, live, and commute without the gasoline engine. In the end, citizens would have to return as much property, commercial and private, as possible
One more thing, whenever someone touts “being progressive” as a presumptive good, remember that progressivism good or bad, beneficial or detrimental, depends on it purposes and destinations. Also remember that the alure of being “cutting edge” depends on the goals for the cut, the instrument you’re using, and what you’re cutting. In society and in science as well, it is the contrarian pressures and challenges that distil fact from fiction; that is if challengers can withstand biased “fact checkers” the pseudo-science of “consensus, and serialized misinformation.