2111 Stefan Oelrich Confesses mRNA Injections Not Vaccines
COVID-19 has been a gift to all the wrong people, businesses, and pharmaceutical megacompanies. There could not have been a more potent weapon for the imposition of blatant Marxist/Socialist (M/S) systems of power.
It seems that candidates for wrong people abound. What is more alarming than the growing numbers of M/S devotees is that many of them occupy positions of authority which we formally assumed existed to protect liberties rather than curtail them. In the name of COVID, declaring themselves to be keepers of the greater good, from President Joe Biden down to your local school board member, have demanded that Americans sheepishly handed over their most basic, most sacred, constitutionally-guaranteed, freedoms of religious practice, public speech, and assembly. Let’s be clear. These men and women did not have the constitutional or moral right to impose such damage on our nation, our lives, and our livelihoods.
Big tech businesses – that is what all forms of broadcast, cable, and social media are – have been just as culpable, if not more so. Aside from a precious few, this broad spectrum of seemingly diverse organizations has functionally been the equivalent of state media in oppressive nations across the globe. They have deceived, blocked the free exchange of information and open discussion, and willfully cheered the abuse of innocent citizens and property. This too is a Marxist/Socialist betrayal.
As I have mentioned in the beginning, none of this evil has been possible without the Trojan Horse of COVID-19 and the capricious tyrannies of masking, lockdowns, and mandated vaccinations. Now comes the confession, unintended for public consumption as it was, of Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceutical Division. At the World Health Summit in October, Oelrich made the startling admission that mRMA shots are actually “cell and gene therapy” that would have been roundly rejected by the public if not for the “vaccination” label.
To quote Oelrich: “…ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,”.
Ex-vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, has added to recent revelations. He has been quoted as confessing that the shots present “a severe risk to your ability to conceive and carry a baby to term” and that “the infertility risks are deliberate acts which I believe whoever is doing it is lying about it to hide it and they’re smearing people who are trying to warn you”.
And yet, in spite to these and more realities, all the forces of government, deceptive medicine, and media continue to collude in a battle to bring the free people of America to full obedience.
Dissolution and absorption of the individual into the state is the heart and soul of socialism. The good news is that the human heart and mind have the power to deny slavery to these brutish forces of darkness. Every time a parent, student, employee, consumer, or small business owner simply graciously and peacefully refuses to obey, it is a victory. When their stories are shared and multiplied, they begin to populate an army.
America does not have to be conquered.