2201 Liberty from COVID and Fear
The quote below is not a joke: Zoom Meeting (my emphasis) Protocol –
“Team, I am writing you all today to inform you of a new protocol
for our staff zoom meetings. Moving forward, everyone will be
required to wear a mask during our meetings. One of our team
members has a fear of unmasked people, and I want to make sure
everyone feels safe and comfortable. This requirement is effective
Ashleigh #######”
This was taken from a screen shot. A person’s reaction after reading this might be to have a good laugh. But there are some serious things going on beneath the surface. This team announcement for meetings held via disturbances of electrons and light, was serious. It demonstrates how damaging and even sinister the last two years have been to the American psyche. Apparently, at this company, one of the employees has been so traumatized by a virus that simply seeing an unmasked face on his or her computer screen causes a visceral reaction so threatening that everyone out there in the company’s cyberspace was required to alter their personal spaces to become partakers of one person’s paranoia.
There is no way for us to know about that one individual’s life context – his or her emotional health or spiritual foundations. That being said, is it not a worthwhile exercise to ask some very important questions? First, what kind of environment, within individuals and nations, gives rise to a surrender to fear over wise caution? In terms of COVID, its initial onslaught was shrouded in mystery. Because of that, the measures advocated by high-level medical officials (I did not say practicing epidemiologists and virologists) could be considered reasonable. But within a few months, qualified scientists were already raising concerns about the disregard for, if not suppression of, established interventional medicine.
The results have been catastrophic for millions of lives and the nation as a whole. The irrational fear represented by that screenshot can almost be understood when one realizes that the scenario presented to the American people has been one which offers few options and little if any hope:
1. Go on about your lives while taking normal illness precautions – and die.
2. If you contract COVID, through a competent medical practitioner,
exercise personal medical liberty to seek therapeutics not recognized
by Dr. Fauci – and die.
3. Shun social contact and unauthorized therapeutics, jab-up mask-up,
lock-up, shut-up – hope for the best.
The campaign to create such paranoia on a national scale has been coordinated and propagated by collusions between big pharmaceutical companies (who are raking in billions of dollars), the legacy media, and federal agencies that include Dr. Fauci’s NIH, the FDA, and the CDC. This power alliance of miscreants has strategically slandered and withheld vital healthcare funding for and information about proven, well-established and, in many cases, inexpensive treatments while thousands upon thousands have needlessly suffered and died. The Biden administration has been allowed to gain almost complete control of treatment sources and distribution, many times purposely shorting red states such as Florida and Texas.
Crazy, right? Not at all. Allen Stein at the Epoch Times recently wrote a piece that exposed the corruption. On oct. 4, 2021, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized a shipment of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine pills. In November, the FDA intercepted 200 Ivermectin tablets. The FDA is apparently working with the post office as well to hold such packages even though both claim they are not operating a widespread campaign. John Mennell of the Arizona CBP says that the FDA decides whether an imported drug is illegal or not and CDP enforces it. What a cozy arrangement!