2112 Tornados Ravaged and Opportunism Blossomed
There was a time not long ago that when disastrous tornados or hurricanes struck our beloved country, the only politics involved were that of grace and compassion from leadership without the trappings, in those moments, of political agendas. Science existed to study creation’s wrath and learned how to defend against it and thrive afterward. Not now. Let me set the stage.
Thomas Sowell once made this observation: “V.I. Lenin represented one of the purest examples of a man who operated on the basis of a vision and its categories, which superseded the world of flesh-and-blood human beings or the realities within which they lived out their lives. Only tactically or strategically did the nature of the world beyond the vision matter, as a means to the end of fulfilling that vision…” [The Quest for Cosmic Justice] .
That statement is true of Marxists, Communists, Socialists, and the contemporary Left as well. In the cases of classic Marxism, Communism, and Socialism, their visions were vested in economic and political categories. Their efforts to change the world into paradise were all about a catharsis of political power struggles between the oppressed and the oppressors – between victim workers and wealthy victimizers. The tactics of these movements were easily recognized by their propaganda and proud openness.
Things are different now under the current rule, yes rule, of the left in America’s halls of power. From left-sympathetic school boards to Democratic state governments to the Biden regime – the White House, barely-Democrat Congress, and the massive federal bureaucracy, the Left has developed new insidious categories of supposed sins for America. Now the categories of oppressed/oppressor are of race, sex, social class, and most importantly for this discussion, Earth itself.
As of this writing, because of a sudden massive tornado outbreak which wreaked havoc across Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee, over 80 people have been killed. Times like these are opportunities to focus on the hurting and their needs. It is no time for opportunists to stoke fear by propagandizing baseless manmade climate change catastrophe.
Yet, in his first statements to the American people, the president of the United States could not manage to comfort citizens without plugging the horrors of a dire out-of-control climate. How has the highest and previously most prestigious office in the land deteriorated to speaking fear into tragedy by channeling dishonest “science”? Is the most powerful man (supposedly) world proclaiming foolishness? It would seem so.
Facts matter. If more CO2 causes global warming and warming is a direct cause of tornadic activity, tornados have a problem. Genuine hard science has found that as the amount of CO2 increases, the ability of the molecules to retain heat diminishes. During Earth’s most lush periods, the CO2 levels were at least 5 times higher than now without the industrial revolution which makes the present levels o CO2 the lowest it has been over the entire history of Earth with the industrial revolution.
Perspective matters. Earth’s current warming trend actually began 300 years ago, again, without industrialization. Tracking average temperatures between 1944 and 1974, we find out that even as CO2 levels rose faster the period went into such a cooling that climate alarmists were warning of an ice age. One would expect, under the doom scenario, that we should be ravaged with storms by now. But tornado outbreaks have actually decreased: 1925 – 695, 1936 – 216, 1944 – 100, 1953 – 116, 2011 – 161. The year 2018 was the first year since 1950 that there were no, zero, violent tornados and the tend since then has been steadily declining with cyclical peaks and troughs across individual years.
The point of all this is that deception, gas-lighting, is rampant from the Left and it is applied without conscience for the purposes of its political/social goals. The rest of us need to understand this as an existential threat to everything the vast majority of Americans hold dear. If we lose this battle, the consequences will be irreversible.