Feel free to leave constructive comments or questions at the bottom of each post using the contact form. I won't reply unless you submit a question.
The God Effect (TGE) project is a way to post thoughts as they developed. As a result there may be several revisions. This is literally a share-as-it-develops project. Revisions which occur as a result of comments or questions will appear in bolded alternate fonts.
What a person understands about God and how they react to Him has an effect on all of life. This project is an effort understand Him and at the same time to explore just how that works out in every day life.
There are no words left. There are 4 more links below. All we can do is keep exposing the corruption and pray that, before it is too late, some courageous patriotic soul(s) decide to risk their careers for the sake of justice, the Constitution, and the country they all claim to love.
Solomon has analyzed voting anomalies from the raw data for Philadelphia taken from the New York Times !! He was able to conclusively demonstrate how vote total ratios were artificially transferred between precincts.