The Real Sedition
It has been a longer time than it should have been since my last posting. I have been hesitant to do anything until the events of the last few weeks had time to shake out. I have been praying, literally, that true justice and righteousness would somehow prevail. Tragically, it has not. Right now, the forces of national self-destruction, empowered by a decades-long campaign by the Left to usher in their dream of socialist utopia, have prevailed instead with blatant circumstances in every branch of government of ACTUAL SEDITION – at least for the foreseeable future.
At the time of this posting, the Leftists and conscience-shallow Republicans are in the process of impeaching President Trump based on completely fabricated, hate-driven vengeance. Anyone who cares about truth in this situation has only to access the president’s speeches and watch his other activities (unless our tech oligarchs are able to vaporize him) to watch in wonder as proclamations by congressional Democrats and the media turn reality on its head without consequence.
At the same time, the internet is awash with video clips, Facebook & Twitter posts of Democrats and other activists over the last four years ACTUALLY calling for uprisings in the streets, accosting conservative government officials and politicians, and openly warring to overthrow a duly elected president. I understand that this site has a very small subscriber base compared to others and that some of my subscribers may have faded away, but those who are still following can have a powerful impact.
It is time for loyal Americans who care, to work diligently at getting truth to the larger public. Sure, it would be nice to share this site, but that is not my end goal. My call to you is to diligently search out every single conservative sharing source you can find and share, share, share. We may yet be able to save this republic from the ravages of a new “American Soviet” !!