The God Effect: Introduction (repost)
Everyone has thought about God at one time or another. It doesn’t matter whether they are a spiritual person or not, believer or unbeliever. People react to God and religion in a lot of different ways, and it doesn’t have to do so much with whether or not they’ve ever heard or thought about God, but what they have done with Him – how they have reacted to Him. The way we see spiritual things, the way we understand them, is part of how we react to all kinds of issues from entertainment to work to friendships and family. What a person does with God energizes the hunger for being a whole person, wanting to know about truth and justice, and even the purpose of life and how to have peace.
This is offered as readable way to understand and even enjoy learning about spiritual things and at the same time applying that to all the complications and issues of life around us. It is an attempt to work out an accurate readable, understandable knowledge of God. It is devoted to anyone who does not have the resources or even the inclination to wade through all kinds of books and studies and theologies and wonder why it has to be so complicated and mysterious. My purpose is to share an understanding of God based on study, spiritual journey, and personal observations.