2104 America; Under Judgement?
What we have been experiencing in the last few years is much deeper than simply the development of a “cancel culture”. In reality, it has all the character of the genesis of totalitarianism. It is Marxist tyranny dressed up to look like a cultural movement.
In 1984, in a video interview, a Soviet defector and former KGB operative and propagandist named Yuri Bezmenov was interviewed for his insights into the dynamics of social decline. He was speaking from experience, having been involve in successful soviet operations in multiple countries at the time. In the interview, Bezmenov detailed the process of conquest of a free society from within. His account is chilling when applied to the tragic developments over the last few decades and especially in the light of newer social weapons being employed of late.
Bezmenov mapped out a simple but insidious four-stage process. First was a campaign of demoralization. In America, consider the effects the incessant mantras of systemic racism, corrupt law enforcement, white privilege, the tribalism of human value assessed by skin color and minority victimhood as privilege, or the demonization of America herself as almost irredeemably marred and systemically evil. These are but a few examples of ripping apart social cohesion be pitting “wokeness” against centuries of social standards of behavior.
The second stage which Bezmenov described is the natural consequence of the loss of moral cohesion – destabilization. We are experiencing this in real time before our very eyes. The confluence of massive political corruption, the anarchy of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA in the streets with the totalitarian-type COVID lockdowns have initiated national destabilization on a never-seen-before massive scale. These and other less dramatic situations have begun pitting American against American, sometimes on no stronger grounds than one’s tweeted personal convictions or their exercise of the liberty to question.
All that is needed for the third phase of the operation is a carefully weaponized event or events to spur national crisis. The requirement that those events be based in reality does not need to exist. Our national push for crisis began in earnest with the election of Donald Trump to the presidency in open defiance by the people against the ineptitude and deep corruption of the Washington D.C. establishment. But the big opportunities came with COVID-19 suppression of liberties and George Floyd’s death. Not so subtly, the American people were schooled in the underlying premise that the only thing left to do to survive is to endure a complete sea-change in all that had been trustworthy, good, and normal.
Finally, speaking of normal, that is the goal of the final fall. Normalization. The process is already upon us. In an age when technology controls our ability to communicate socially and politically, the Marxist process having achieved the aims of the first stages, now finalizes the revolution with controls of the populace that would make Hitler, Stalin, and Mao leap from their graves in euphoria. Massive misinformation, ideologically-driven news coverage, and suppression of dissent by all major sources of information – broadcast networks, cable networks and social media are now full in to make the Marxist dream a reality in the most free and prosperous nation to have ever existed.
It is time to understand, as John MacArthur recently said, the America is judged. She has been afforded every Divine grace and blessing and now God has found her wanting. I do not know if it is a judgement for discipline and restoration or a judgement unto national death. Without knowing the mind of God, one thing is sure, this is no time to cower: spiritually, morally, socially, or politically. In every age, God has blessed His remnant who did not bow the knee to Baal and resisted unrighteousness and tyranny until God’s purposes were fulfilled.
Never has the entire nation been so tribalized, disheartened and weary. Yes, there have been other times of trial and even horrendous bloodshed. But this is our time.